100km pre-race day thoughts with Shaun Moore

100kmOur Ambassador Shaun Moore is off on an Epic race tomorrow. The Surf Coast Century 100km ultra marathon trail race. We were wondering what he was thinking the day before so we asked him. Here is what he had to say:

“What’s going through my mind the day before my 2nd Ultra and first attempt at 100km??

Simple answer is EVERYTHING !!!!

Today I’ve been going through non stop patches of confidence and calmness. One second I’m cool and calm, the next I’ve spun 180° and having nothing but self doubt thoughts which I can’t get past.

I’ve been second guessing everything from my training, hydration and nutrition. But I’ve kept bringing myself back to a calm state by thinking of all of those I’ve inspired in one way or another.

I’m not just running this event for myself but for others. I want to show people that no matter who you are, that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. If you want to push yourself, don’t listen to the self doubt, take a deep breath and step into the unknown.

Today I’ve mostly been going over my race plan in my head, so that when I start to struggle or have doubt. I can fall back on what I’ve been visualizing.

IMG_1254I’ve been thinking of tools, I can use in the tough sections of the run. Like; to just keep it simple “one foot in front of the other” along with knowing it’ll be a see saw of “feeling good, feeling crap”.

Though I haven’t had any doubt about finishing, I know I’ll finish no matter how long it takes.

If you have any questions regarding what’s going through my head, feel free to comment on this post or send me a message 👌👌”


Great work Shaun and we are excited to see you #getitdone yet again- nokkon

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